Dios ti Ag-ngi-na !!
Comment from: britishempress
"I have lump in my throat and heaviness on my chest viewing these magnificent photos...such lovely memories...something that yours truly never had. Today, I still feel alone and stand solely on the pedestal that I created for myself and even with a family...I do still wish that I had some great memories of my childhood to share to Aiden. Lovely family Manong...truly I am envious!"
There is no need for you to be envious, because you are also blessed with so many things which so many people do not have. And that includes me...:)
But I am so happy I found you as one true friend here in the Internet ( a place where there is so much smoke and so many mirrors that things are not what they seem ) . True friends are like stars in the heavens that beacon and gude you from afar, and you are a very bright one in my firmament.
You are truly a British Empress and there are not so many of them left in the world now-a-days..
Thank you!!
My backyard from the first time we moved to our house were a lot of big difference.There was a lot of puddles and holes (crawfish holes) until my hubby had to order at least 4 trucks of dirt to fill up the backyard and have it higher than the rest of the neighbors around us.It took some of my weekends off that time in helping my in-laws and my hubby making our backyard into a "Cano Park".
The following year was a year of the harvests:cucumbers and jalapenos were abundant that I had to share it with our neighbors and bring some to work.It was then that my hubby decided not to let me plant anymore of those cucumbers so he made it to himself that there will be no room for crawling plants but roses,lilies,gladiolas, and oleanders among other shrubs that will give colors to the backyard while looking over the windows.
I myself was so persistent that I still made a room for my 3 orange trees, bananas ( no matter how he uprooted after the harvests,it still keeps giving us another "baby" and Im loving it) and the jalapenos in between those roses and around the new trees that he planted on our front yard.
Half of the backyard were the so-called warehouse but actually a guest house w/some amenities and downstair were a play room plus a flat screen tv hanging by the wall.Nobody will going to bother me while I am watching my own movie since that "warehouse" is open to anybody.
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