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Monday, May 7, 2007

Watta week end!!!
Have you ever spent a precious Saturday babysitting a kid named Angelica but whom you'd rather call Diabolique?
This happened to Annie last Saturday which she partly related in this edited e-mail..:)
"At first we were at the soccer field (Marianne's playing soccer every Saturday) and I  already told her (Angelica ) that it is a field so DS or PPS or Ipods were not allowed. Still she brought her DS and at the same time bringing Marianne's Ipod;so while we were at the field cheering for the game,she was busy listening to music and playing her freaking DS.
We had that thing after the game and  everybody had to be in the middle of the field holding our hands up while the players passed underneath our raised hands.She told us bluntly that she will not do it. So I told her to stay put and we will be right back.
Then we went out to the mall  and while  we were eating,she said she's  dying to go to THE ROCKS.( a place for  rock climbing) I told her finish her food while me and Marianne were doing the same.
After we ate, Marianne went ahead to the rock climbing spot..Then she followed, letting  herself in with my credit card. Marianne was already halfway up climbing. Angelica  did her thing  but wasnt even halfway up when she was yelling that she's bloody scared.
They had 2 chances to do it and the second time,she picked up the hardest spot  so she can get the $50 reward but she knew that she did not  even made it in the first one.
Then that night,about 9:30 she started  crying and howling like a coyote.  she wanted her mother. I was already asleep and my hubby was taking his bath.Marianne was asleep too but she woke up, went to our room  telling me that Angelica was crying . I went out to check on her and there she was on her best drama queen act: "I want my mommy' I want my mommy."
I picked up my key,  cell phone and my wallet so I can drop her off to their place. Then I learned ,she doesnt even knew how to get to their house.
I let her use my cell phone to  call her Mommy but Mommy wasnt picking up since it was already late. And mind you,I was drowsy since I already took my nightime sinus pills. Yet I was  driving.I turned around and saw Martin, my hubby   ready to follow.  So I let him drive her back to her house. She is her relative anyway...!
 Everytime I am off on weekends, that is the day she comes and she stay for the rest of the week-end!
Two photos of Marianne, my daughter, making it to the top...
A picture of Dia...I mean Angelica just barely off the ground..:(

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