Isabel and Julio Iglesias, during their earlier years..
from El eterno femenino
Hola! Magazine Feature
( translated by SS from an article in Spanish )
Destiny has delivered fame, celebrity, and an important social position to her, and though the pressures of the media and constant public scrutiny about her private life at times can make her uncomfortable, she has been the star of and carried out her role in the public eye for 30 years now, with hardly a complaint. And now, one bundles up with a singular biography. With the fame of being a myth, an enigma and a social phenomenon that she can not explain, but nor has she looked for either.
At the end of the week, Isabel Preysler turns 50. She enjoys a privileged social situation, and still intact is her huge capacity for feminity, seductiveness, and charisma. However, to be number one has it's price, and years ago, she got tired of paying for it. Therefore, she has spaced her public appearances, she is not interested anymore in society celebrations, does not spend her summers in Marbella anymore, and hardly ever grants public interviews. On the contrary, she takes pains to make sure that she is soaked of the intelligence of her husband, Miguel Boyer, everyday and tries to live a life beyond her popularity. He tells her interesting stories, sends her flowers, porcelain, paintings, takes her on cultural trips, and once in a while, to celebrate a special occasion, jewelry a bit ostentatious.
ISABEL PREYSLER feels that España is a part of her being, but says that she knows deep down in her heart that her umbillical cord is and always will be connected to the Philippines. There she was born, and there she was raised together with 5 brothers and sisters, and it was there that she had her first romances until her parents decided to send her to Spain with Tessi y Miguel Pérez Rubio, her tíos that were well situated in Spain. Her tíos introduced her to the best families of high-societyMadrid; daughters of aristocrats who own companies with much power are received with open arms. Julio met Isabel through her tíos, and immediately fell in love with her and began courting her. She married Julio, however, at too young an age (both of the same age, they had both just finished high school when they got married) and she could not finish the International Business course that she came to study in Spain.
Un Ama De Casa
She does not consider herself beautiful nor intelligent. Neither does she consider herself an idiot, overambitious, or calculating. As "un ama de casa," albeit an elegant, divinely beautiful one that wears designer Versace as if God invented the elegance and beauty of woman just for her, as in all her other ventures in life, she is dedicated and thorough. (there is no English translation for that that would give it the same exact meaning culturally, think of how your mother always seems to be able to micromanage the family's various affairs as head of the house while still being able to pull through with responsibility and dignity intact, it's like that.).
She has endured criticism before, which has armed her with patience; a quality she possesses in bountiful amounts.
Isabel Preysler, a truly maternal woman, always had the same objective in life - to protect her children from the margin of personal problems and scandal that could affect them. Knowing full well that with her children, it is not necessary to move the world to be content and happy in life, Mrs. Boyer knew how to handle the most difficult moments of her life without affecting her family's roots and her children's upbringing. "The upbringing of children of divorced parents," Isabel explains in an Hola! Interview after her second divorce, "does not bring unresolvableproblems, however I believe that the presence and guidance of the mother, more so than the father, is more fundamental especially during infancy and during the first fewyears of the lives of the children. For that reason, I was never separated from my children during their childhood."
And thus it was. Isabel raised her children and later, concerned about their safety (after their grandfather was kidnapped for ransom in Madrid, Spain, and the political upheaval in Spain) and education, her children flew from her side (to Miami, Florida). First Chábeli, Julio Jr., and Enrique, and later, Tamara. Now, within a few years, her youngest daughter Ana will follow suit. "To bring a child into the world is the most important experience for a man and a woman. I have always been made complete through my children. They are an essential part of me, and they bring me such joy and happiness. I am lucky to have five marvelous children."
Beauty: How Isabel Stays Looking So Radiant in her 50s
For many years now, she has consistently topped the best-dressed lists of the most stylish women of our country (Spain). And that's logical, because of her impeccable image - always choosing the most appropriate style and mode for each occasion, Isabel never scrimps five minutes off in dedicating herself to her skin, body, and hair. In correspondence with Hola's 50th anniversary, celebrates those regiments that without a doubt help Isabel to stay healthy and in trim shape.
When Isabel wakes up, she drinks a glass of water and has a consistent breakfast of: mashed fruit with yogurt, tea without sugar, and toast with butter, jam or honey.Her Delicacy. At noon, Isabel eats light. For merienda, nevertheless, one makes up for it with aromatic teas, accompanied with sponge cake. "I am very golosa and I do notresist sponge cake nor chocolate. I am almost an addict to chocolate, there is always a chocolate bar in the refrigerator. I need it to be there. When I like it the most is after meals, and after dinner".
Dinner. For Dinner, she has a complete meal. Isabel usually dines on soups, vegetables, fish or pasta. She loves, for example, soup of vegetable cream, and "pasta integral biológica" with tomatoes homegrown in her house, with a base of salsa natural, garnished with tomatoes biológica and mixed with cheese.
In Shape. Isabel Preysler combines physical exercise with relaxing activities. Once a week, she either relaxes, plays pádel, or golf. For the rest of the week, she alternates the practice of these sports with an exercise regiment of stair-climbing, stretching exercises, and weight lifting.
Her regiment. When Isabel Preysler feels that she has eaten too much heavy food, the following day she compensates for it with a light food regiment. "I spend the whole day eating fruit. It is the best way to cleanse out the system and to recover. Experts say that it is advisable that day to consume a single type of fruit, without mixing it with others. And depending on the season, I like to eat apples or piñas. So I don't get bored, I prepare it in different ways. Sometimes, I cut it up into six pieces ".
Her skin. She makes it a priority to take care of her skin, and once a week, in addition to a rigorous, therapeutic massage, she goes to the Beauty Center of Massumeh Massi, in Madrid, for a facial. Since she spent a lot of time out in the sun when she was growing up, she says that 40 years is enough for her. She does not leave the house without a sunscreen of UV 20 or 30 and when she is at the beach, she protects herself totally from the sun.
Her hair. In addition to maintaining her image, Isabel Preysler also makes it a priority to take care of her hair. "My hair has very little grace, it's straight, without body, so I have to wash it only every other day. For that reason, I use only natural products. It's very important for me to keep it healthy and clean, because the hair says a lot about a person." (There's a lot more to come from this article...Stay tuned!)
Isabel Preyler's Official Website
This is a website that features all her various ventures with her new fashion clothing line, her new perfume line, her new home furnishings and design line, as well as some tips on cooking and entertaining at dinner parties, for which she is famously known for in Spain, for holding some of the most elegant, all out, glamourous dinner parties among the rich, elite, socialites in Spain.
It also features a full pictorial history of her life and family growing up in the Philippines, upon her arrival in Spain in 1969, her rise and success as a supermodel in Spain and Europe during the 70s, her marriage to Julio Iglesias in 1971, and the birth of her children, including her youngest child with Julio, Enrique Iglesias (whom she named after her brother, Enrique Preysler, who died in a car accident in Manila when she was just a child). It also has pictures of her two youngest daughters, Ana and Tamara.
Also, added December 2004, check out Isabel Preysler's recipe for Pansit!
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