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Friday, March 30, 2007

more feedbacks...

more feedbacks from Efrenmark39


"Kudos and many thanks to Sonny Espejo for a very bright and enlightening journal!!
All that I can do now, since most of the prestine places are gone and/or abused, is to reminisce the sacred events of treking around the barrios and indulge on some
lomboy, sirguelas, mangga and bayabas. But if you choose to have lakamas/singkamas make sure to ask permission otherwise the watch will have you for dinner...he! he! he! just kidding."


There is nothing like the taste of these fruits especially during Maytime in the Philippines.  I yearn for the taste of sinkamas when it is just out of the ground, sliced into thin pieces then marinated with vinegar laced with red labuyo pepper. It tastes so good if you are a Balikbayan deprived of tasting the delicacy for several years.

Lomboy is superb when placed inside two plates to form a container, then shaken briefly with salt. There is nothing like the taste of our Philippine mangoes esp. when fully riped and eaten with suman made with sweet rice ( diket).

I love the sineguelas sold by vendors who cram the top layer with the red ones but inside are still the green ones. Marketing ploy! Guavas too are delicious. There were lots of guava trees in  front of our house in Asingan long time ago; we would wait for the fruit to become big and ripe before we climb the tree to pick them; otherwise the birds or the worms will beat us to it..I remember during the old days, kids in Asingan are circumscised in the river by some old timers good in this kind of thing. The kids would come out of the water, the "surgeons" do their thing, for antiseptic, they used  guava leaves which they masticate in their mouths and applied to the fresh wound. Guava leaves have antiseptic properties, assuming the herbolarios' spit do not have any bacteria ( which I doubt).


"Aratan...marikit lamet si Rain...keep up the good looks.....Don't let stress and depression bother you at all... just think of my problem...and it'll be...Napunas lan amin.."Under malinak lay labi""

( an unpublished photo )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rain...aratan...natural beauty anngapoy make up mo nen saman pero maganggana ka...you haven't changed at all.....singa anggapoy problema'm...