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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Beautiful Saturday in Toronto!

Miggie, Miggie, quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

Our house a few months after we bought it in 1983...


Our house, 24 years  after. I planted those two pine trees...


The  base of the left pine tree..


The base of the right  pine tree, where most of the pretty stuff are. There is the house made from twigs, a mushroom patch mide from wood ( you cant see it very well, but believe me, its there ) plus the phlox and the hostas...


I planted this Japanese Maple  Tree about 3 years ago. Planted it on JulyFirst, the independence Day of Canada. Come to think of it, most of what I planted here are trees..


This tree stump was given away by a neighbour. He sold his house and he cut down some of the trees in his backyard. Then he brought the stumps, branches etc. into the curb for pick up by the Parks and Recreations people. We asked for the stump and he gave it willingly. He even delivered it to our  front yard because it was so heavy!


Miguelita's plants are growing very well...A few more weeks before the phlox would be full grown and the flowers will be splashing colours all over the front yard..


One side of her garden beside the pathway going to the house..Sometimes some freaking ants would build their house on the small strip of grass..but not anymore. They transfered to another part of the lawn..:)


Same spot as the last  photo but a different view..The stone foot  is my creation..flat rocks with 5 pebbles on the wide side..I call it ( surprise! ) Big Foot!...:)


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