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Saturday, May 20, 2006


sunshine stories from asingan

Sunday, May 14, 2006

WAITING FOR MAMA..( conclusion)

In the morning of May 13, Saturday, I saw the baby Robin still snuggling in the nest.  He would sometimes hop into the branch, look at the sky, waiting for someone. Still  it would not jump out of the nest. I noticed that he has an important trait of survival:  his common sense not to do something that would endanger his life. He waited patiently for his food, he waited patiently for his wings and feathers to grow strong before jumping out of the nest into the world. 

Sometime close to noon, I noticed a loud cacophony of bird sounds..Many birds were on top of our roof overlooking the nest..What was the commotion all about?, I asked myself..Were the other birds encouraging the baby to try out his /her wings? Can the robins, crows, sparrows, woodpeckers, cardinals, yellow orioles(?) communicate with each other even if they are of different species?

I went out to buy some groceries and when I came back, I tried peering into the nest. It was already empty. The atmosphere was also quieter than this morning. It seemed the baby bird tried out his wings and he made it. Bravo, I said silently to the Mama bird. You brought one life into the world. I am sure the mama would accompany her baby into learning the art of survival in their world, seeking for worms in the ground. Then hopping from branches to hide from their natural enemies, especially the Falcon or the Hawk. So far, I have not yet seen these predators  around.

The nest was an admirable master piece of construction..It is made up of long grass and mud. And very strongly built, too! The strong winds did not blow it away. The strong rain did not melt the mud. And how did they transfer the mud from the ground to the nest?

We learn much from nature especially survival.  After witnessing the baby bird's ordeal to be born and get adjusted into a world which is just very close to mine, I reaffirmed my love and respect for these tiny creatures of God. I would never look at a bird the same way again as an annoying creature which craps on cars and decks. They have their own place in ecology and somehow, they are also helping in  extending  life in our planet--#


In 1966, I started teaching at the Rizal Academy. For 2 years, I experienced being at the OTHER end of the classroom. What goes around comes around. What I did to some of my teachers in high school came back to me, with a VENGEANCE! I learned how many ways a student could cheat during an exams. I learned that the very quiet student does not necessarily mean he is paying attention to you even if he/she is LOOKING at you all the time. You could go beserk by many students who would rat on their classmates. During a Science subject I asked the students to draw a simple human body, copying it from a science text book..One student stood up and announced.."Sir, Marcelo ( not his real name ) placed a penis in his drawing!" Of course, there is no genitalia in the original.Another one was drawing something and when I went to look, he tried to hide it. Somebody grabbed the drawing and passed it to me. When I checked it, it was a drawing of a monkey.Below it was written: Mr. Costes. Of course I did not flunk the student.He was intelligent, full of pranks and he does not like me because I told him most of the time to stop talking while I was talking in class...

Students would try to avoid you in the hallway. If they have no choice, they would just nod at you saying "Good Morning /Afternoon Sir.."I don't know if they really mean that!

After 2 years of these, I decided to quit. I filed an application to the Divine Word College in Urdaneta, the same time as Mrs. Loreto Mizal. She had also planned to quit teaching at Rizal. Like me, she had already enough BS. And I do not mean Bachelor of Science. After 1 week, she was accepted. I was not. So I thought of going back to University.

"Again??" exclaimed my Mom. But Moms are Moms. They would always say yes to their children. . On May 1968, ten years after the first time I enrolled at the UST, I went back to the same school. This time, I enrolled at the College of Fine Arts. I was a good artist then. I made quite some money making drawings for my aunt in Laoac who was an Elementary School teacher. My Mom would go to Laoac ( to visit her Mom ) and then she would bring home a job order from her sister. I earned my snack money then and I enjoyed doing what I did. So I had a sideline while I was teaching at Rizal.

All of my subjects are art classes..Creative Art, Drawing from Life, Commercial art, etc. One art class was held outdoors. For 3 hours, you would select a subject: a shrub, a billboard, etc. and sketch it with pencil for 3 hours on a drawing pad. Me? I selected a stone face atop the UST Main Building. I think it was lion or a gargoyle. Anyway, after a week news spread around that I was the best student in that subject and my sketches showed it. My drawings got 95 or 98%..In another subject, this time inside a classroom that looked like an art gallery, we were asked to sketch a model standing in front of the class. No, it was not a nude model. It was one of our classmates usually a girl. The session lasted for 3 hours and we used a cartolina or board paper. The teacher graded us at the end of the 3 hour work. I usually got the 2nd highest grade. The professor just looked at the works and he marked a grade on the artwork. No explainations why. But you have to accept it at face value because art evaluation is a very personal thing. He based his grade on how good you made your drawing ( lines, shadings ) not on how accurate the face or the figure of the model is..

For 4 months, I enjoyed myself..I found out that if you are the best student in a class, the girl students ( who were not good artists ) would start hanging around you. There was one called Lavinia. When we were outdoors, she would be staring at me most of the time from a distance. She would be sketching too, but I know it was not me. She was a mestiza, with brown hair and a pretty face to match. I thought she was weird for looking at me the way she did. Even my classmates noticed that too. They would crack: "Bata mo ba si Lavinia?..Bat ganyan ang tingin sa 'yo?" I said No.I already made quite some male friends too. ..

One time, I approached her, started a chat and she responded very nicely..Then one day, she was gone. She dropped out of class and she never came back. I guess art was not her cup of tea.

A week later, I came upon a copy of the University Newsletter. On the student activities section, I saw her photo. She was to perform in a production of the musical OKLAHOMA! at one of the College Auditoriums and she was playing the role of Laurie, the main female character. One of my classmates said: "O andiyan pala ang bata mo eh!"


A few weeks before the semester ended, I received a telegram from  my Mom. She told me to come home because Mrs. Mizal was leaving her post at the DWA in Urdaneta, and she recommended me to Fr. Harwardt SVD, one of the school administrators. And I had no choice. It was a JOB, and I have not been making any money lately! It was a bummer indeed. Life really is full of surprises. Again it hit me when I least expected it..


So I bade goodbye to my new found friends in the UST College of Fine Arts. I wanted to watch OKLAHOMA! but it was to be shown at a much later date. I won't be able to make it because I had to go back to Asingan in a couple of days..


Indeed one can not run away from Fate,Destiny or Kismet or whatever you might call it..Again I tried to change careers. I enjoyed creating art. But I had to go back to teaching---and to Asingan that rainy afternoon of October 1968. I guess one can not run away from destiny. On June 1969, I would be meeting in DWA Miguelita Hufana a pretty teacher who would one day become Mrs. Miguelita H. Costes.--#

( to be continued)

Dwelling the past in Asingan…

submitted by Arsenio Macanas

It is a part of our Asingan culture and it’s a Pilipino way… keeping grudges too long. This do not surprise me at all. A good example comes from our leaders: the politicians. Some were one time best friends, but because of the JEALOUSY and the differences of opinion they fight for they ceased to be friends. No solution could put them back together… the grudges between these two fellows would live from one generation to the next. Their families would inherit it. Can they solve this problem? I don’t think so! Unless one of them will give up and swallow some pride.

Reminds me of a Filipino joke that said, "Pride chicken". I tried to figure out the joke. How come the word pride is being used in "Fried Chicken"? Did you get it? They said it, because there is no "F" in our Pilipino alphabet. Okay! How about this joke! "Hey! Pool (instead of Paul)" You might be pool into the swimming pool.Hmmm...

How about the Filipino analogy "The CRAB MENTALITY!" What do you think, buddy? Aren’t you like that? Wow! I can’t imagine that I found out about this word from others, not only from Americans but from other ethnic groups too, here in the US. It’s too shameful and disgraceful. Some idiotic kababayans fried themselves using their own fat or grease.

Self-opinionated, Crab mentality it’s a feeling of grudging admiration and desire to have something possessed by another, called "ENVY"

I grew up in Cabingcolan and most of the people in Asingan called our place "small tondo." I missed the sound of birds chirping and tweeting on the trees lining the road. Late in the afternoon most of the men in our area were busy "nipping" from a small carrrenderia /bar ‘til they realized it’s getting late while they still kept on drinking. Some of them heading home to nuzzle with their families, still got tied up ( again ) in some street corner. These guys could not stop socializing. Sometimes he got more nips from other friends drinking on street corners or in front yards. The wife and the kids were waiting for him for dinner…By the time he got home, the good dinner became an affray. I felt compassion to all the women who had bad experiences from their husbands. I remember some of our neighbors… They quarrel at night the next day the wife would have a black "make-up" around one eye, sometime both eyes.

"How dare you Mister! That’s not the way to make-up your wife!."

One time I got involved in a small fight… just to be nice,I went to the middle, grabbed and held one guy to break the action. After the fight, the one I grabbed started to hate me. He was my friend. He thought that I was favoring the other guy because I grabbed and held him. He then threatened me and I had to watch my back for a long time because I might get stabbed, or shot, or something else.

What a friend huh? And what a place Cabingcolan is...

Saturday, May 13, 2006

More Feedbacks/comments

 Thank you Sir for your Blog yesterday. My name is Alfred Gelacio Jr. I'm the best friend of Jerry Sampaga. We have been friends since we are in Elementary grade school. Your Journal regarding school memories hit me soo hard. I even re-scheduled all my meetings because I felt soo sad remembering my Dad and my aunt who took care of me when i went to college.

I am the Founder of Fathers eye Foundation and Asinganian.com.You made me realized how important it is to remember where you came from. And I'm being blessed because I have Wonderful Parents , Family and especially friends that i grew up with. Without them I won't be  where I  am today.
If ever you visit the U.S., please let me know, I will fly and meet you personally.
Thank you again and more power to you.
God bless
Alfred Gelacio Jr.

Dear Alfredo,

Thank you for your warm message. I hope you won't mind if I publish it online for the sake of our common goal to get in touch with Asinganians all over the world.

I knew your dad and your grandma. Fr. Gelacio sometimes celebrate Mass beside our house in Asingan and we would chat there. He was a very friendly person. Your grandma, Nana Lucia was also a very happy individual, and sometimes she would  tease me because I was still barely a kid at that time.My parents were her friends. The Public market in Asingan was also one of my favorite hang outs before:I looked for pencils, crayons, magazines or local snacks which I could not get enough of.

It will be my pleasure to meet you in person. We will be in Hawaii from the 24-31 of this month. I have never seen this Island Paradise before except in television or movies.

More power for your projects. I am encouraging Asinganians to visit your site because there are things there which are not found in The Journal and in the Pang.Org.

Thank you!


Feedbacks/Comments re: SCHOOL DAY MEMORIES

The Journal Article on school day memories got the ff: comments...

this blog reminds me of my entire youth.i suddenly miss my mom and dad:( my friends back home and my grandma and my aunt who took care of me when i was young.

Comment from octoarts - 13/05/06 12:39 AM .


.felt the same way, though I think mine was even more homesicking, allow me that poetic license, because even though my family are Pangasinan, my papa and mama chose to live in Mindanao, and thus I was born and bred anong our Muslim brothers. And unlike you, and many of my classmates who could return home to their homes in Manila or Luzon during weekends, how could I? Even granting that there is already a direct flight to Mindanao, unlike, in those days where one has to stop over in cebu, how could I? the fare alone is Good for 3 months cost of living expenses! And so yes I missed my hometown during college.... I cried, waiting for my boardmates to switch off the lights, so I could drown in my tears, and sobs, and said, ".... Papa....Mama.....moymoy(my dog)....." and Id picture my room, the sala, evry tree and plant....that was how being homesick.... Comment from longwaybye - 11/05/06 9:23 PM


Memories of my College Days would really fill a book and I will try to share them with you, entry by entry...Especially so those days were mostly spent in the Philippines "Big Apple.."

To give a brief over  all summary of my School Days ( details will come later ),

1958-1959--- first enrolled at the UST; stayed there for 1 semester, In the 2nd semeste, I decided to stay in Asingan, Homesick Leave..

From 1959-1960, I studied at UE, College of Engineering. I failed Engineering Drawing, decided the course is not for me..

From 1960-1961, I had a year long holiday in Asingan, an extended homesick leave.

From 1961-1966, I stayed in Adamson U and changed my course to AB Chemistry. My parents told me: "This is the last time for you to change courses, otherwise you will just stay in Asingan,PERMANENTLY!" In the middle of my studies, I switched to AB Journalism, the same course I took at UST. I did not inform my parents anymore. Many of my courses in UST, UE and also in the Chemistry Dept of Adamson were credited..My final College Degree was: AB Major in English, Minor in Math and History..It worked! So, when my Mom attended my College graduation and saw the Graduation Invitation program she remarked :"I thought you were taking up Chemistry?" She was not mad though. "Yeah, but I found I love Journalism after all.." Back of my mind was "If I told you I am going to change course again, I do not know what will happen to me.."

She just hugged me. I think she was just too happy that my long, expensive days in College were finally over during that Graduation Night. We had a Chinese dinner in one of the Manila restaurants, then we took an early bus back to Asingan the next day.---#

Friday, May 12, 2006


Good News!  The Baby Robin did not leave the nest! This morning, I saw what I assume to be the Mama go to the nest. I think she gave her baby something to eat.


When I went out to pick up the garbage containers, I went to the tree. I walked slowly, then from one end of the branch ( the lower end ) I peeked into the nest. I was thinking the nest is now empty that the baby bird, out of hunger, might have jumped out and run to the busy street. But I saw the baby birdie, sitting in the nest. It was not scared at all of humans. In fact, it thought I came to bring some food! He chirped, looked at me, chirped again. I went back to the house, took my digicam, took a series of shots. Now you can see them above..

The baby robins I saw a few years back, jumped to the ground. I touched them because I wanted to put them in a box. Big mistake. The Mama did not like to feed them anymore. They got out of the box and saw them run to the street. Sad, but how would I know?


This time, I am so happy this little one is staying put in the nest. Every now and then, the Mama comes in, I guess to give some worms. Lots of worms now in the yeard because of the rains. I believe that someday when the bird thinks it is already capable of flying, it owuld just jump out of the nest and it will fly, look around and will try to feed itself..

This is much better than Discovery Channel!

WAITING FOR MAMA ( a Mother's Day Story )

There are two big evergreens right in front of our house. I planted them about 1987 when we have just moved into our house here in 19 Dixon.

Every time Spring season starts, there are lots of birds scurrying about in our front and backyard. You can hear mating calls the whole night. The next morning too and then you could see the birds doing their mating ( You know, the birds and the bees thing). I saw birds do it many times; on the fence, on the grass..

Then a few days later, you could see them start building their nests. They say birds are the best builders. They did not study Engineering but see how good their nests are. They did not take up Strength of Materials but their nests could stay up in tree branches for the duration of Fall, Winter until the arrival of another spring...

Anyways, there is this Robin which built a nest in a low branch of one of the evergreen trees in our front yard. It is so low I could touch it ( but didn't) When I discovered it a few days ago, the Mother was not there. Then a few minutes later she came back to the nest and sat once more on the eggs. She did not give a hoot ( or a chirp ) that I was there near her nest. In fact I think she was trying to protect her eggs from me!

Yesterday there was a big rain storm. It shook up buildings in downtown, bill boards and in front of the house, the evergreens were thrashing about their branches.

This morning, the sun came out. I went to the tree to check on the robin's nest. Below the branch are broken shells. BUT on the branch was a solitary baby Robin. It was holding up on its own, the feathers are still matty, the breast still blurry reddish. She hopped outside the nest, looking for Mama. Where is Mama?..I can't see her.

I can not resist taking several shots of her there. head up high, waiting, not even making a sound. She was looking at one direction. She was hoping Mama would come to give her one fat worm..

I was not able to find out what happened. A few minutes later, the branch was empty. The bird might flew off by itself. I hope she did. It is not safe for baby Robins to be running about on their feet in front of our house because Dixon Road is one busy street leading to the Airport.

I hope she flew off with her Mama so she can enjoy the rest of the summer with her.---#

Thursday, May 11, 2006


After graduating from the Rizal Academy, in 1958, I enrolled at the UST, College of Philosophy and Letters. This is where they offered Journalism courses: not only English grammar and Composition but also History and Philosophy. And every male student had to take up ROTC where you spent hours under the sun following orders like a real soldier. For me, this is one of the most useless subjects in College, including Spanish 1 to 8 which you have to take, or else there would be no Diploma.

UST by the way stands for University of Sto. Tomas, the oldest religious school in the Philippines. It is run by the Dominican Order.Some students from other schools called it Utot Sabay Tae. Just to make fun, of course.

last days of high school

Leaving the nest for the first time to go to the Big City must be one of the saddest experiences I ever had. When I was in 4th year high school I experienced  the angst of growing up. I disliked many of my classmates and teachers. Naturally, those classmates disliked me too. It was a sort of Catch 22 thing, like a never ending circle, like a dog chasing its own tail.

"I could not wait til we get out of this -------school!" I would tell my school buddies.

"Yeah, me too!" one would answer during one of our gab sessions in one of the dried-up fountains in the town plaza. So we all looked forward to graduation day when we could leave the school and the town. We were not serious with our studies anymore. Most of what we did were some last minute mischiefs. We hide or steal the books of kids we don't like. We did not listen to the teacher. We chatted softly while she explained something in class. All of a sudden she would scream at us to stop. We would stop. When she resumed her lecture, we would start talking again. Funny, but we did not do it with the male teachers.

Graduation came and went. All of us passed, but I think more than half of my classmates deserved to stay one more year to earn better grades. They preferred horsing around rather than reading their books. Just like me. But at least I get good grades in class exams. But most of them got below the passing grade. One commented: "Why study? U P, U Pass", When the school administrator heard him, his face became red. Then he delivered a scathing lecture to thewhole class for the rest of the period.

I spent the lastweeks of summer vacation hanging out with Nestor Villanueva, Cesar Alejo and some other guys from Calawagan. We loved music, singing the current hits of Paul Anka, Elvis Presley, Tommy Sands, Pat Boone or the Platters. Cesar had a nice tenor voice. We usually saw each other after supper and we hanged out in Nestor's house, under their Ilang-Ilang tree. They had a nice bench round the tree trunk. And the air smelled so sweet. And sometimes, they gave us freshly boiled peanuts. Nestor and I could play the ukelele and the guitar.After our session, he and Cesar would bring  me home. They want to be sure nobody would mug me in some dark corner of the town plaza.. (Nestor, I believe is now in California. I do not know where Cesar is. Somebody told me he is already gone from this life.)

enrollment time

IN the middle of May, I went to Manila to enroll at the UST. My cousin who is a coed at that school helped me in the enrollment process. Being the last days before the school, the lines were so long and tempers were so short. I should have done it April, right after graduation. But then I did not know still know what course to take. Fine Arts or Journalism? Or Engineering?. I usually end it with BAHALA NA!I kept postphoning my choice. Instead, I went out for picnics in the CARAYAN or in MITORA until the "days dwindled down to a precious few". When I finally made my choice, it was a few weeks before school. Universities were packed like a Market Place before Christmas Day.

After enrolling myself, I decided to go back to Asingan one more time. The school would start in a few more days anyway. The school did not begin yet, but I was already homesick. So that day, I took the last Pantranco bus for Asingan and was home at about 8:00 pm that night. Only then I realized how comfy your own house is, how much you loved your parents, your brothers and sisters. Even the dogs are so happy to see you back!

That must have been the shortest week ever. When the time came again to go back to Manila, the PARADAAN was filled with young people waiting for the same bus which was still to come from San Manuel. Some came from the barrios and they also wanted to be on that first trip.When the bus arrived and I had to go up to find a seat ( I think my dad did it for me ) I felt so bad. I did not want to go. I could have bawled right there, but there were girls sitting in the same row as my seat. And I know them. And they are laughing, not crying.It would be embarassing, no?I had no choice. I paid half of my tuition fee already. When the bus started, I saw the view of Asingan slowly dissapearing and soon we were on the fields between Domanpot and Bactad.

I just stared blankly at the passing scenery. It was going to be a very long trip to Manila.I learned that once you are already out of a place that's the time you would start loving it..

( to be continued )


Dillon and Chloe's cooking class

I received a batch of JPEGS  from Ottawa, ( the capital of Canada), and I could not resist sharing them with you. Dillon Costes Somerville is my only grandson out of the 6 which I currently have. Her sister Chloe is the spitting image of her Mom, Bernadette when she was  herself a toddler. Their dad Simon helps in managing a lucrative family business. Bernadette ( aka Bee ) included just one line with these photos:

"Of course they both helped with the cooking but Dillon only enjoyed eating the trail mix."
Way to go, Dillon! Sometime next month, Bee and Simon are going to Scotland to attend a wedding. Dillon and Chloe will stay with their cousins Mia and Emma in Brampton. You can not imagine the excitement especially if the two other cousins: Olivia and Audrey would also join them!--#

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


A friend of mine residing in Manila sent thru e-mail a batch of gorgeous photos in JPEG format. He was there during the premiere of the movie I just reviewed and said I might be able to use them..Right on, kiddo!

In the '70s, the area where Glorrieta now has some movie houses called Quad Theatres. There were 4 theatres, and if I am not mistaken there was also one called Magallanes theatre, not very far. Rustan was already there then. At that time ( up to now ) Makati stands for affluent shopping, beautiful and rich people, a far cry from the crass and dirty Quiapo crowd where pickpockets and hustlers would rob you clean. One night, when I was still studying at Adamson U. along San Marcelino, a friend and I  decided to walk up to Quiapo to catch a JD bus that would bring us to Quezon City where I was boarding. Eventually, we reached the bridge and we found its pedestrian  lane filled with sleeping people, just like a subway in New York. Men, women children were there. Well, someone told me Quiapo, including the Underpass is already "clean." That I have to see for myself the next time I will take another holiday to Asingan.

Anyway, Glorrieta now is the center of suburbian shopping. I can even call it an extension of world class Malls because almost all of the shops you find in NY, LA, SF and yes! Toronto are found in this Makati Paradise. I do not mind the Security person frisking my pants each time I enter the Mall, as long as he does it properly. Once you are inside, you feel secure because each store has its own guard in blue uniform, looking after your safety. Even McDonald's ( called McDo locally ) has its own guard in case some burglars would run off with some burgers and fries. Hope they won't forget the ketchup.

Now let us all enjoy  these photos...

Tuesday, May 9, 2006


The quality of a movie depends on the partnership of two people: the producer and the director. Assuming of course the cast is also first rate which really depends on the producer because she is the one paying everybody!

BLUE MOON is one such work. Lily Monteverde is the producer, Joel Lamangan is the director and the film was based on a Palanca award winning screenplay. Once in a blue moon I get to enjoy a Filipino movie like this one which starred Christopher de Leon, Boots Anson Roa, Dennis Trillio, Eddie Garcia, Jennylyn Mercado, Mark Herras and Pauleen Luna. Of the above cast, I can tell only a few facts (based on memory) on just three of them. Christopher de Leon is the son of Gil de Leon and Lilia Dizon. Boots is the daughter of Oscar Moreno ( another '50s movie star ) and Eddie Garcia, well this super star has been around ever since I was still in high school. I saw many of his movies in Urdaneta.The rest of the cast and supporting cast are young but equally talented.Only the younger generation of Filipino movie goers ( especially those who reside in Manila ) would know them better!

The central figure of the story is an aging man who was diagnosed with cancer ( lymphoma ). "Do what you want to do now, before time runs out.." suggested the doctor. The first thing he wanted was to look for a lady named Corazon whom he REALLY loved and with whom he was separated years and years ago. Since he is already living alone ( his only son Christopher has a family) Christopher has also a son who lost his mother years ago . Christopher is a "bonafide" widower. Eddie packed his bags and started an oddysey that brought him to many places in Luzon: Laoag, Baguio, Albay and finally back to Manila. He was accompanied by his son and his grandson. They were using the grandson's car which is not really in top running condition. So when it breaks down and the young man swears, well he uses the F word instead of the P word!

 All the house addresses and leads he got yielded zippo. And to complicate things, Eddie was so secretive with his son about his past life. His son Christopher de Leon grew apathetic to his dad too. So there was this strained Father-Son relationship which is so common in Filipino families.

Telling more of the story would spoil your movie viewing. But know that this movie could be rated 5 out 5 by L. Maltin, the well known American film critic if he can only understand Tagalog. Flashbacksof World War 2 in the Philippines were believable. A digitally created airplane fight ( short segment due to logistic reasons ) was quite realistic. We can not tell whether this clip was made in the Philippines or in the USA.The DVD version I saw had a Dolby Digital soundtrack but not processed in Surround Sound. But again, in Filipino film making, especially now-a-days, every peso counts. When push comes to shove, special effects ( that includes the sound track ) would be the first one to go.

The DVD version which Regal said is distributed Internationally except in the Philippines ( why? ) has English subtitles, special features, trailers, pictorials and a bonus Concert performed at the Glorrieta on its opening day in January 2006. Unfortunately the quality of the feature presentation  ( at least of the copy I bought ) was very inferior . The sound was okay. But the colour of the movie even in DVD is so washed out even on an LCD screen. But the trailers were in pristine condition. ( Again, why?)

That other movie which I bought in the same store was very clear: image and sound. It is entitled DUBAI..I wonder how the banketa copies of BLUE MOON would appear when played in our entertainment centres.. I will shoot my head if these pirated copies would be very good! I will be using a water pistol, of course!


Monday, May 8, 2006


Today May 8, the sun is covering all of Toronto with its life sustaining rays. You could almost hear the grass growing. The birds are chasing one another from the ground, to the trees and back to the ground again for some seeds to peck.

Miguelita is going ballistics over her hobby: flower gardening. She was constantly doing it when the weather is nice and it is her day off. She called me outside and asked me to put the decorations we used last year.. These are pieces of small plaster houses, frogs, turtles, etc. My creative juices started flowing too as I handled the decorative pieces.. I placed them like a jig saw puzzle to create something beautiful and joyful to behold. Art, like writing is meant to appeal to our sense of sight, mind and spirit. What was created in an hour or so could be seen in the above photographs.---#


I received 2 e-mails from Hawaii this morning. One is from Marcie, who have been rubbing elbows in the past with dignitaries( e.g. are President Arroyo and Ex-President Aquino ) and the other one from her sis, Juliet Uson. It is only now that I learned they are related to the Estebans in Poblacion. Mr. Amado Esteban was my boss for 2 years at the Rizal Academy; Mr. Jovencio Esteban was my co-teacher in the same school, and Rudy Esteban was my contemporary. Rudy married the most beautiful teacher in the Rizal Academy ( at that time ), Miss Naty Marcelino.I transferred to the Divine Word Academy some years later and by coincidence ( and by luck ) I also married the most beautiful teacher in that school. Marriage is something that hits you in the butt so fast that before you know it, you are already changing diapers or heating up a baby bottle..!Anyway, Juliet told me that It's a pleasure for her reading the Asinganian Journal. She said she missed all the good old days growing up in Asingan. She said: "...we're going to have a lot of fun with all my family. I will try to invite the Asinganians and the President, Eddie Sison with his beautiful wife Josie. ... We will go around the island and also go to Haunauma bay, blue hole, etc...Manong bring lots of films and batteries for your camera. Don't forget the charger. "...Yep, I just hope I won't lose my camera as I did when I visited Virginia Beach last year! Tell Manang to bring her bathing suit. We'll enjoy the beach one whole day. Hoping the weather will be good. Manong kindly ask Fe Ramos if she remembered a girl that always say hi or good morning to her when she's sweeping (agkaykay-kay) the leaves in their yard outside their house. Because I always greeted her then in the morning especially during week-ends.(Sabado-Domingo). That was when we were around 11-12 years old. "...Marcie sent me a long interesting article about a Filipino group now playing in Las Vegas but who have been performing in Hawaii for several years. Wish I could re print the article here, but copyright reasons prohibits it.


Miguelita and I are now excited about the trip which is about 2 weeks away. I am now planning a special gift to some of our  hosts ( among other stuff which we might pick up here in Toronto ). My special gift is a compilation of the funny stories I printed so far in the ASINGAN JOURNAL ..All articles are archived and with just a click ofa mouse, I could retrieve each one, do some minor correction of grammar which I can not do while working online. In printing a magazine, the editor always need an editorial assistant which always do the final check-ups, corrections,  and this time the inclusion of simple cartoons to adorn the pages. My past work experience in Los Banios Laguna will be put to use again. I do have a mini Printing Press in my basement. My PC is connected to 2 Printers: one is an HP Laser Jet 1200 series.  and the other is a Canon Photo Printer capable of printing photos that could be enlarged up to 8.5 by 11..Front cover of the magazine would be an enlarged photo of an Asingan scenery with the title which is SUNSHINE STORIES FROM ASINGAN. Below it would be a small map ( black and white ) of our town. It will be printed on Kodak Paper. The back cover is also on Kodak Photo Paper..Both Photo papers are capable of printing double-sided, good place to print photos of our hosts; more sceneries or other good shots of Asingan. When I went to Virginia last year, I did the same thing, a magazine of Filipino music sheets and on front and back covers, I used Kodak paper printable on both sides. I was just starting with the JOURNAL last year so I did not have so many stories to print..But now..oh boy.

I have all the materials in my basement. I have leftover stock of Kodak Paper which I used last Christmas for making Customized calendars as Christmas gifts. I have the Canon color inks and if I run out, FUTURE SHOP  is just a bike ride away. I am all set. But the sun is shining nicely outside and Mother Nature, with her blue skies and flower covered cheery and apple trees are beckoning me to go out!-----#

Sunday, May 7, 2006


by Marcie Uson Wise

Here are the photos of  President Gloria Arroyo and the Philippine delegation to Vientiane, Laos for the 10th ASEAN SUMMIT.  The photos were taken outside and inside of the Philippines Embassy in Vienitane.  She came to meet all the Filipinos.  We felt lucky because they invited us even though my husband is an American working at US Embassy inVientiane.  My husband was the Director of the Narcotics Affairs Section (NAS)of the US Embassy.  The staff of the Philippine Embassy at that time were good friends of ours. This was from July /2003  to  June 2005.


Apologies to Juliet Uson and Juvyline (Naty)..I noticed that I did not write your names as Marcie's sisters in one of the entries..Omission was not intended...


Saturday, May 6, 2006


Somehow, this Journal is helping in unifying townmates separated when they started looking for jobs, finding their places in the sun, etc. I received so many e-mails re: this subject..I am enclosing the last one..


Date: Sat, 6 May 2006 03:28:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: fe ramos <somare............>
Subject: Re: President Arroyo and Marcie Uson Wise in Pictures ( taken in Hanoi )
To: MABAIT42@aol.com

hi manong vic,
marcie uson-wise or bing was  my student in rizal academy.
I forwarded the e-mail to Marcie ..
Hi Marcie,
This was forwarded to me by one of your teachers at the Rizal Academy: Fe Ramos Esteban..She is my relative because her Mom is a close kin of my dad..You can use the e-mail somare....because that's her e-mail address..She now works in Manila but every week end she goes home to Asingan. Her Mom Mrs. Felisa Ramos is now retired, 80+ years old and living alone by herself in her house beside the house of former Elvira Ramos-Veniegas..Elvie a retiree is also working as a Principal in the Rizal Academy..
til next e-mail..
Marcie then replied..
Hi Manong Vic,
I knew her very well. .....  She e-mailed me once when we we're living in Hanoi but at that time I was using my husband e-mail address and I lost her address when I had my own e-mail address.  I will e-mail her soon.  She was one of my good teacher so as Mrs. Veniegas.  I'm thinking all the good memories now.

Someone said, even if you do not have much money if you have lots of friends, then it is just as good or much better..Reminds me of another saying..
New Friends are Silver
Old Friends are Gold
Let us keep the Silver
But let us not forget the Gold!

Remote Name:
Date: Sunday, May 07, 2006


When I first found out about this website I think a month ago, I was so excited and had so much fun reading all the messages. I recognized a lot of the surnames of the people and di look forward to reading messages everyday. Well, the last few days was a bummer because there's not a lot of posted messages, the last time I checked there was a message from someone asking everyone to post a message just in Filipino? or Ilocano? Then today I opened the site and lo and behold there was a lot of messages It is sad that one person's action can cause a lot of sadness not to just one or two person but to probably thousands out there like me who like to read what's going on in their relatives' lives. It doesn't matter whether I know these people personally, but just knowing they want to communicate to friends and relatives in a much cheaper way(long distance phone calls are more expensive)and at the same time entertain someone like me na mababaw and kaligayahan) and then they were told it's boring? please mga kababayan by posting your messages in what's going on in Asingan really fires up my imagination of the town I have not seen for 15 years, keep doing it. It's fun and entertaining and it is something to look forward to. Manong Peter Paraiso, I am so sad that you are not going to post anything here anymore. I hope you still will. English is good like Manog Vic said, for us that migrated out of the Philippines we do have to talk and learn English good, but that does not mean that we don't like our own language and dialects. I am married to an American and he reads the message with me too and he understands the English ones but not the pinoy ones, my kids may be half half but they can't speak Filipino although they sing karaoke with me and sing Filipino songs with me sometimes. I only have one Filipino lady that I work with so I always take the chance to talk Pinoy with her, but it's not proper to talk in our dialect when there are other workers with us, it's not polite. And believe it or not, most Pinoys are better in English, grammar or spelling than most Americans. We should be proud that Filipinos are the first choice of foreign employers because we can communicate in English better than other countries. Keep on posting please and keep on entertaining us. NAIMBAG NGA ALDAW YO AMIN.

THERESE THE MOVIE ( a review )

One of the most moving religious movie I have seen is a fairly new one entitled THERESE, a film by Leonardo Defilippis..No scenes of Angelic visitations or appearances of the Virgin Mary or some mighty upheavals like the parting of the Red Sea. It is a simple story of a young girl's search for the meaning of her life, and she found it at the end of her 24- year existence, bedridden with tuberculosis. She wrote a "blog" of her life on pen and paper and after her death, this autobiography inspired millions of people to find fulfillment in their own lives. It is said, Mother Teresa one of the best loved figure of our era adapted this name and this way of life because of this autobiography. By the way, Cornelia Soberano while she was in Toronto had a photo with Mother Teresa in front of the Toronto City hall. This photo I have to find in that debris of paper I call my filing cabinet.

The summation of her life is this: She loved only one: and that is Jesus. She focused her life, her love her all to Him. Then all her subsequent actions sprung from this consuming love. She curbed her will to a Higher Will ( something hard to do even for priests and nuns ) so even if people around her mocked her she would not mock them back. The final scene of the movie is similar to THE SONG OF BERNADETTE made earlier ( in the 50s), and introduced Jennifer Jones to movie goers everywhere. Therese died peacefully after a painful bout of body pains brought about by the advanced stage of the disease. Someone appeared to her then she fell into an endless sleep.

Some scenes appear disturbing like the early one when she said to her Mom "I wish you will die.." But the complete meaning of her statement was .." so you can go to heaven soon"..Ironically her Mom afterwards had breast cancer and she died when Therese was still very young.More touching scenes followed. You will need a lot of Kleenex before the movie ends. Especially in the scenes between her and her dad who loved her to a fault. If such a daughter-father love existed, why did she still have to enter the convent?

You will be compelled to Google for her life story or maybe you can visit this site http://www.theresemovie.com/

If you have to watch this movie, watch it without distraction. And keep a box of Kleenex nearby.---#

Friday, May 5, 2006



The above photos were taken in Hanoi, Vietnam, Feb. 11, 2002.  GMA and her delegates(Blas Ople was there in his wheel chair at that time, but no photos due to protocol) came for the ASEAN SUMMIT.  A reception was held in a Hotel.  Most of the expatriate ladies were invited.  I had the opportunity to talk with her and I found her  very nice.  She mingled with us and we had so much fun.  Security at that time was in a very low key.  She was there for almost two hours.  She made a little speech but I forgot most of what she said. The only thing I do remember is her telling us " just continue sending money to the Philippines".  Aren't  we all doing that already?


Next time: Photos with  President Arroyo this time in Laos..


Marcie Uson Wise is an Asinganian now in Hawaii.  Her husband, Dave Wise is the Director of the Narcotics Affairs Section (NAS)of the US Embassy.  Marcie sent me some photos of her, and her husband. In the entourage also was  Pinky,  one of the daughters of Ex President Corazon Aquino and some businessmen from the Philippines.  They came to Hanoi to see if they can  start a business. 

There was a small reception at the Philippines Embassy, and they were invited.  Dave was also a Political Officer at the US Embassy-Hanoi from 7/2001 to 6/2003.  The above photos were taken inside the Philippine Embassy.

Marcie's nickname is Bing.  Her other sisters are: Mary, Josie and a   brother is Jimmy married to Lorna Paine from Domanpot. Others are: Joel or Pepe married to Urly from Baguio and Lito married to Cristi from Bicol.  Her mother's name is Nena.  The family on her  mother's side is PADILLA-ESTEBAN and on her  father's side is CAOILE-USON. 

I am also going to publish in the next entry, another batch of reception photographs, this time with President Gloria Aquino---#



If you recognize the lyrics of this song:

Flowers are blooming in May,

Flowers that speak of romancing,

Hearts that are reckless and gay,

Beautiful moments together..

And you recognize the singer who was Carmen Perenia, then..it means you belong to the same hobby and age bracket as I am..As the first day of May came during the '50s in the Philippines, many radio stations started playing this song. There was this radio in the house which can only get 3 stations in Manila..My favorite program before was Tugtugin Natin emceed by Dely Magpayo..DZRH..and sometimes she worked in the same Radio station with Ric Tierro..

The sampaguita bush in front of our house would start blooming too, attracting bees and passers by. There was also this big firetree in the corner stone dividing the Aglipayan church and the Sampaga Studio.At that time, the Studio was not still in existence: the spot was a garden with bushes and plants that started growing as soon as the first rains of May arrived. This big fire tree sprouted fiery red flowers that lasted for a while..

The Asingan Town Fiesta has just been finished; some side shows sometimes  stayed for a couple more weeks until the rains would become so bad..Every night there would be the loyal fans to come and watch the Vaudeville type of show that were hosted by unknown but talented comedians/singers/drama stars from Manila..They are just as good as any stage star anywhere in the world, but they just practice their art wherever they can, whenever they can..Even  in just a small town like Asingan. A few Bingo booths would also linger on while the Vaudevelle was still around. You could still hear their clamor and music far into the night.

The saddest time would be when the last tent or booth have already packed and the plaza became silent as a graveyard for the first time in months. The morning after, some friends and I would be foraging into the debris of paper, garbage, etc. hoping against hope that we might find some money left behind unknowingly by the performers. Never found any myself. If ever there was, somebody faster to the draw might have beaten me to the punch!---#


May is one of the most enjoyable month in Asingan. In the '60s, there was this traditional Floral offering done by Asinganian kids ( many of whom are now all over the world, in their 50s or greater ). The late Josie Casimiro, with her sweet voice, sometimes acted as the leader: She would instruct the kids on what to do before the Mass starts. In the afternoon, a few volunteers would come to the church to prepare the flower vases ( cleaning them with soap and water and lining them outside to dry ). In the afternoon or early in the morning, the kids would go around houses in Poblacion asking for flowers from the garden owners to be used in the Floral offering for the Virgin Mary.In a few isolated cases, some kids would just pluck the flowers and run esp. if the owner is nowhere to be seen!

Every morning,at 5:00 am sharp, the church bells start tolling. There would be the slow single peals that came in say, 3- minute intervals. It seemed to say to the townspeople: "Wake up, another day is dawning..Get ready.." There will be around 10 or 12 clangs like these: then 2 quick ones and the bell stopped: for a while at least. The Philippine Independent church would do the same, same tone succession. But in the absence of a real bell, at that time, they were using a big acetylene tank. We could see it from our balcony because we are neighbours ( and friends ) with the Phil Independent church..

Anyways back to the Floral offerings. As soon as the Catholic priest enters the church to say Mass, he would linger below the church, pull the bell rope a number of fast tugs. "Come on, come one, Mass is about to start" the bells seem to say. Then he entered the church to prepare himself for the Mass celebration.

During the whole month of May, the mass commenced with the hymn "Bring Flow'rs of the Fairest, Bring Flow'rs of the Rarest.." Josie's beautiful voice would lead the singing blending with the children's chorus. From my bedroom window, which overlooked the Catholic church, I could hear their voices resounding inside.. A small altar bell with also sounded, accompanying the singing like a glockenspiel. If the offering was done on a Sunday, I would accompany them on the harmonium ( another name for the Organ ) . On other days, they would sing a capella ( no accompaniment ).

The last Sunday, of course would be the Mayflower Festival. At that time, Reina Elena and her court were selected among the young beauties and handsome boys active in the church activities. There would be a procession at night but in the afternoon, there would be an all day game festival in the church yard. There was climbing the pole ( a greased one, i.e. ). On top of the bamboo pole is money. Others rub their legs with ash or sand to get a good grip, but its not easy! Only after  several tries ( the grease will be rubbed off at that time ) will the prize money be won.   The most riotious one would be catching the pig. The pig, of course is scrubbed with pork lard ( heavens!) and he would go through the gauntlet of several hands trying to grab him as he squealed away to seek refuge somewhere. I guess he was afraid the time has come for him to be roasted! The victor would win, not the pig, but some money!

There was the pillow fight, sack race, and ocassionally, there was this bicycle tour of Asingan. The grand prize then was 50 pesos which was already a tidy sum during this time. At the end of one such race, the winner sweating like a horse after going around all the barrios, arrived at the chruch gate.."Where is his trophy and his money?" asked the priest. The money was produced but instead of a trophy, there was a bouquet of flowers which were hastily picked up from the flowers of the morning offering. A few of them were wilted and started to smell..He appeared happy to receive the money..and the flowers. As he biked away, he paused slightly on one edge of the plaza, dumped his flowers and proceed his way back home--#

Thursday, May 4, 2006


Manong Vic, I think this is a good Idea to let it know everybody about the precautions from their computer at work. Please submit it to your journal. Thank you!

My Experience:
To everybody working in the computer environment like in the office, beware! And be awareof your co-workers especially the ones who hate you. This happened in the company where I used to work and I know it that it might happen to you. Just be careful!

Five years ago when I still working as an Information Technologist, I got curious   about what was in my browser's cache, and found that it contained a number of "interesting" images which I had never seen. I was curious, so I showed the images to some coworkers, and we tried to figure out where they came from. We weren't successful. But this aroused our curiosity. Some time later, I stumbled across a discussion in a newsgroup of how to do something called "preloading". This produced an "Aha!" reaction, and when I saw the JavaScript code, it only took me a few minutes to turn it into this demo. Since then, I have generally tried to make sure that I have JavaScript and any other scripting languages turned off in any browser that I use. If you value your job, you might want to do the same.

Languages like Java, Javascript and ActiveX allow a web site to send code to your browser that is run automatically. Allowing strangers to run code on your machine is never a good idea. If you value the contents of your disk, or are worried about embarrassing files appearing there without your knowledge, you should make sure that all such programming tools are disabled.

Follow the Instructions:

Click the tools from your web browser menu then click the Internet options then click the advanced. Disabled all tools such as Active X.

As more and more companies install software that monitors their employees' web usage, and more web-site developers learn the tricks of the trade, this sort of thing will become much more common. When used to speed up web access, it is useful. But it is a real source of potentially embarrassing files on your disk. Your only defense is to disable anything that allows a remote site to run code on your machine.



An interesting thing happened when we were in Luneta..When we were a few meters away from the Manila Bay, one of Miguelita's sandal straps broke. And she did not bring a spare for who would think that would happen? ( Now we believe that in MANILA anything can happen! ) More ONLY IN MANILA anecdotes in the next entries, but let us finish this one first..

"Now what shall we do?" I asked her. "Wanna walk barefooted up to Pope Pius Center? ( our lodging room )."

"No way, Jose!" she snapped. And my name is not even Jose.

"Okay, I have an idea..I will go to Mabini st. That is the nearest street from here with some botique shops. I am sure some are opened already..It's about 20 mins walk, back and forth.."

"So I will be alone in here for 20 mins?" she asked..

"Yeah, just enjoy the sea view; anyway there are lots of people around." Gosh, it seems many just sleep there under the trees or behind the bushes. Saves them hotel money.

"Okay, but hurry up!"

So I did a fast walk, like I was doing a morning jog. I know stores in Manila open quite early. After 15 minutes, I found a bazaar which sells almost everything.I felt hungry and thirsty after that brisk walk. The first thing I did was check the snack section. I picked up 2 bags of sitsaron and a bottle of coke. It's almost merienda time anyway, I said to myself.

Then I went to the footwear. "What do you want, sir?" said a young sales clerk with a silky smooth tone.

"I need some footwear."

"Here, sir." she pointed at some men's shoes.

"I need some women's shoes" The clerk looked at me in a funny way. "...it's for my wife." I added immediately. "Oh," the clerk broke into a smile and pointed at another shelf..

"How much are these?"

"3000 pesos sir, Imported pa yan. " I had only 600 pesos with me..I looked at the other shoes. Then I saw some flip-flops which locally were called Japanese slippers.

"How much are these?." I asked ..

"200 pesos, sir." I grabbed a pair of them with green straps before the price would change. I know green is her favorite colour. I dumped it in my shopping basket together with the snacks, then looked my watch. Again the girl smiled. That's what I like about Filipina sales clerks, they are sooo friendly.

Well, the trek from Mabini to Manila Bay took shorter because I had to run this time. Scenarios started to form in my nervous mind. Some distance away, I looked for her and was so relieved when she was still there in the same spot, watching some boys diving into the dirty waters of the bay.

"Oh that was fast," she said.

I was breathing so hard like a long distance runner. "Are  these rubber sandals okay?" I asked.

"Of course, its only for walking up to Taft. "

"Anything  happened?"

"Well there was the guy who approached me, asking  KUMUSTA, MISS..I guess he thinks I am a you-know-what waiting for a pick up.."


" I told him I am okay, just waiting for my husband..He stayed a bit near me for say 10 mins, then he finally walked away."

"Really??" Could have been worse, I said to myself. "For a while, I was worried a bit too," she said.

"I know," I said.."Scary s..t that was..."

I changed the topic. "Want some snacks?.."

"I am good", she said.." There was this vendor with a cart. I bought some sitsaron sprinkled with vinegar. When he was giving me the change, I told him to keep it.

"Then he started to pass in front of me  every 3 minutes..."

"Maybe your tip was bigger than the price of the snacks.Did you check the coins you gave him?" I joked.

"Of course!" she said. "Ako pa?"

She  put  on the sandals and started our walk back.--#

Wednesday, May 3, 2006


About July 1950, my dad brought me to Luneta to watch the Independence Day celebration. That was before some wise ass Politician changed the date to June 16 ( is it?) saying this day is the REAL INDEPENDENCE DAY..Whatever..Anyways..

What's unforgettable about this trip was: It was my first time to see Manila. The best feeling, they say, comes from seeing a place for the first time.That is why holidays are so popular.. I can not recall every minute of that trip, but I do recall a few vignettes..I was awed being in Luneta, near the city hall ( called by some as butas ng siyudad ) watching a big float. The float contained a replica of a humungous gold painted key. It was the backdrop of a platform on which stood a beautiful Filipina dressed up with an equally beautiful gown. Then there was this giant cigarette case: Golden Key cigarretes.I never smoked all my life, but I remember a few cigarette brands during that year: Chelsea, Golden Coin, Old Gold, etc..These are the minor, local brands...This is just one of the many floats that made up the Independence Day parade that year. Then I remember my dad holding my hand tightly, in case someone would  kidnap me while we continued walking towards the Quirino Grandstand.I do not know if it is still called as such.

Then I remember going to an event called MANILA INTERNATIONAL FAIR. The entrance to this fair was a big arch, roughly shaped like half of a McDonald arch. On top of the arch was a flame - shaped embellishment. This top part lighted at night like a pinkish glow  seen from miles all around because of its altitude. It was called Gateway to the East or something. This structure was featured in many postage stamps several months later commemorating this great Manila event. During this trade show,  many kinds of beautiful booths were put up by several Asian  nations showcasing their new products..I remember seeing a TV for the first time..in here. The booth must have belonged to Japan. It was a 12 inch black and white set and it was showing nothing but a waterfalls running: no sound, no other scenery except that water falls. Again to a first timer, I felt as if I saw the Holy Grail upon seeing the TV picture move like a movie.I was fixated to the screen for several minutes ( my dad too ) before I felt a tug on my sleeve, and away we went again.


Later that night, I remember watching a little parade ( like one of the coronation events during our town fiesta ) within a small plaza. It may have been  in a part of Intramuros because we passed by several scarred brick walls when we visited this event. I recall seeing a small American girl about 7 or 8, dressed up as Snow White and pulling her coach were 7 little people in cartoon-like costumes and masks. From a distance the girl was beautiful. The entourage passed by close to our spot and the people were just cheering.

A few days later ( when I was back in Asingan ) I saw a full page photo of that Snow White I saw in a Sunday Times magazine.. Below the photo was her name. It said Shirley Temple. Was it really her, or is my imagination playing tricks on me now?..But there are things I can not really forget, especially when connected with Hollywood movies. But then, I was not still watching US movies at that age. I could not still comprehend the English being spoken in the theatres.

At this time of writing, the more I think of it, the surer I know that the girl was Shirley. Now she is Shirley Temple Black former child star prodigy and now working as an Ambassador of goodwill for the United Nations--#

Monday, May 1, 2006


Ahh, spring definitely is back to Toronto, including Dixon Road, on the Street Where I Live!..May, June, July and August! 120 days of  fun, frolic ( and mayhem!) Miguelita is now busy with her gardening which really is a lot of weeding, pruning and planning..But she said, it is more relaxing than house work...